
本馆由[ zhonghong88]创建于2023年12月23日


发布时间:2016-03-09 11:53:52      发布人: zhonghong88
不要以个人为中心来考虑事情, 要心怀感恩,代人着想。 多关照他人的习惯,体谅他人的需求。 凡事多换位思考,将心比心,多考虑大局。 真诚、热情、善意,就有好人缘。 眼光长一点,多看看未来; 心胸大一点,多想想他人 心胸开阔,志向高远。 多换位思考,代人着想, 多为他人付出,奉献人生 用要求别人的心来要求自己, 用宽容自己的心来宽容别人。 获得成就的密钥: 常反省,不二过,不迁怒,代人着想。 Have a gracious heart, and put yourself in the other person’s shoes instead of seeing everything only from one’s own perspective. Be more considerate of others’ habits and understanding of their needs. Consider everything from different perspectives, feel for others and bear the overall situation in mind. Be sincere, warm and kind, and then you will have a good relationship with others. 。 Widen your vision, and direct it more towards the future; be open-minded and have more consideration for others. 。 Keep a big heart and an open mind. Think more from other persons’ perspectives and devote yourself to benefiting them. Demand ourselves the way we demand others; forgive others the way we forgive ourselves. The secret of success lies in frequently reflecting on oneself, considering others, never transferring anger, nor repeating the same mistake.
