相信唯有创造人的上帝可以重塑我们的生命,难道不是合理的吗?当手表出了问题,你不会去找铁匠。当汽车需要大检修时,你也不会将车送去机器修理店。因此当灵性出现问题,也只有创造我们的上帝才能解决。他曾以自己的形象造了我们 。如今凭圣子的恩典,他以复活的形式重塑我们。通过信靠耶稣基督,我们被重造,并有份于他的生命
I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.
Is it not logical to believe that the only one who can recreate us is the One who created us in the first place? If your watch were out of order, you wouldn’t take it to a blacksmith. If your car needed overhauling, you wouldn’t go to a machine shop. Our spiritual problems can be solved only by the God who created us originally. He created us in His own image and likeness; today, by the grace of His Son, He can recreate us in the likeness of His resurrection. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are recreated and become partakers of His life.
There is so much that is out of order in my life, Lord. Remake all the parts that need the infinite healing of your re-creation